CG Bhuiyan 2025, Bhuiyan Khasra, Khatauni, Chhattisgarh Land Records

CG Bhuiyan 2025: The Chhattisgarh Bhuiyan Land Record Portal has been launched by the Government of Chhattisgarh to provide information related to land records to the people of the state. Through this portal, the farmers and other citizens of the state can get complete details of their land such as Bhuiyan Naksha Khasra, P11 Khatauni, CG B1 Khasra online sitting at home. Information related to land is being made available online by the state government through Chhattisgarh Bhuiyan (CG Bhulekh) under Digital India .



Services offered on CG Bhuiya Portal You can avail the following services on Bhuiya CG NIC in the portal:-

  • Chhattisgarh Land Records
  • Download Khasra (P-II) & Khatauni (BI) Report
  • Correct errors like spelling mistake in name, address etc.
  • check mutation report
  • get measles details
  • Check Correction Application Status
  • Online land map (CG Bhuiya map Khasra)
  • You can get land transfer details document
  • nazul land details

How do I verify the CG land records on the Bhuiyan Portal?

The Bhuiyan CG Portal (Bhuiyan CG NIC In) allows Chhattisgarh residents to easily examine their land records online. You can access the land information by selecting either the P-II document or the B-1. Khasra information is referred to by P-II, whilst Khatauni I records are covered by BI.

Step 1: Go to, the official Bhuiyan Land Records CG website. Choose “Citizen Suvidha” from the menu. Choose “Khasra Vivaran” from the drop-down menu.

Check-Khasra-Details-on-CG Bhuiya
  • The system will reroute you to the next website in step two.
  • Step 3: Type the following information, including the district, tehsil, and village name, on the page that was redirected.

Step 4: You will have two options for seeing the land records after choosing the district, village, and tehsil information. To view the land records, choose—

  • by measles
  • By name

The screen will display the property information or land records once you choose the “Khasra wise” or “Name wise” tab. Every letter in the landowner’s name can be used to display the information.

How can I download PII and BI documents that have been digitally signed from Bhuiyan CG?

Using the Bhuiyan CG Portal, Chhattisgarh residents can easily request digitally signed copies of their PII and BI papers. To download the documents, adhere to the directions listed below (Chhattisgarh Land Records).

Step 1: Go to, the official Bhuiyan CG (Bhuiyan Land Records CG) website.

Step 2: Choose the “Digitally Signed Bi/P-II Application” option under the “Application” item on the home page.


Step 3: The below mentioned webpage will be displayed on the CG Land Records Portal (Bhuiya CG NIC In).


Step 4: On the redirected page, click “Village” or “Village Number” to obtain a B-1 Khatauni or P II Khasra report.

If you choose the “By Village Name” option, the dialogue below will appear. Get information by entering your district, tehsil, and village.


The following box will appear if you choose the “By Village Number” option. Click the view button after entering the village number.


Step 5: To access the information, provide all the necessary information, including your Khasra, name, phone number, and email address.

Step 6: To access the full report, click the “Report” tab on the CG land records or Chhattisgarh land records.

How can I find out the status of my mutation property in Bhuiyan, Chhattisgarh, or CG Bhuiyan?

A person may check the status of a property’s mutation online at the Bhuiyan Chhattisgarh Portal, Bhuiyan CG, or CG Land Records (Bhuiyan CG NIC in). To check the status of a property mutation online on the CG Bhoomi Record (Chhattisgarh Bhoomi Record) portal, follow the instructions below.

Step 1: Go to to access the Bhuiyan Land Records CG official government website.

Step 2: Choose the “Transaction status of mutation” radio button under the “Land Relation Information” tab.


Step 3: Next page will open.


Step 4: Choose from options like

  1. registration number
  2. application Number
  3. current landlord
  4. potential landlord
  5. measles number

Step 5: Enter the details and click on the Check Status button. The status of the mutation will be displayed on the screen.

How can I check the CG Bhuiya land map (CG Bhuiya naksha)?

On the Bhuiyan Chhattisgarh Portal, residents can view a land map (CG Bhuiya Naksha) or a land map online (CG Bhuiya Naksha Khasra) (Bhuiyan CG in NIC). To view the land map on the Bhuiyan Land Records CG Portal online, follow the instructions below (Chhattisgarh Land Records).

Step 1: Access Bhuiyan Chhattisgarh’s official government website (Bhuiyan CG NIC IN).

Step 2: Choose “See Map” from the menu under the Citizen Facilitation tab on the home page. (CG Bhuiya)


Step 3: User will be redirected to the following window .


Step 4: On the left pane, select District, Tehsil, RI, and Village. When you finish entering the information, the following map of the chosen place will appear:


Step 5: Click on the plot number to see details about a specific plot. On the screen, a thorough synopsis of the story and its details will be shown.


By selecting the Khatauni Number on the village map, you may also get the Map Report, P-II, and BI data (CG Bhuiya Naksha). A copy of the map can be downloaded and printed at the preferred scale (CG Bhuiya Naksha Khasra).

How do I submit a request for CG Bhuiyan to amend my land records?

Via the Bhuiyan land records CG portal, residents of Chhattisgarh can submit requests for the updating of their state’s land records. To apply for a revision to a land record on the CG Bhoomi Abhiyan Bhuiyan Portal, follow the instructions below.

Step 1: Access the Bhuiyan CG official government website at
Step 2: Choose the “Record Repair Application” option from the Application tab.


Step 3: A web window will appear on the screen as shown below.


Step 4: Fill the details like-

  • base of mutation
  • cause of mutation
  • e-registration number
  • mutation related documents
  • district
  • Tahsil
  • Village
  • Measles
  • Date mentioned in e-registration

Step 5: Fill the details and click on the submit button. The application for change in the land record will be submitted on the CG Bhuiyan portal.

How do I submit an application for an update to my Khasra record on CG Bhuiya?

Via the CG Bhuiyan Portal, Chhattisgarh residents can readily verify the updates to Khasra records (Chhattisgarh land records). To check whether Khasra data have been updated on the CG Bhuiyan Portal, follow the instructions below (Bhuiyan CG NIC In).

Step 1: Access CG Land Records Bhuiyan’s official government website (in Bhuiyan CG NIC).
Step 2: Under the “Village wise Report” menu, select “Panjiyan Khasro Ka Byora”.

Step 3: The records will be displayed in the following format.

You can access the information displayed district and tehsil wise.

How to download the B1 Khatauni/P2 Khasra Report in PDF using the CG Bhuiya document number?

By utilising the document number at CG Bhuiyan, residents of Chhattisgarh can simply get the B1 Khatauni/P2 Khasra Report in PDF (Bhuiyan CG NIC IN). To download the B1 Khatauni/P2 Khasra Report in PDF format using the CG Bhuiyan document number, follow the instructions below.

Step 1: Open the Bhuiyan Land Records CG or CG Land Records official website.

Step 2: Choose the “Download PDF by Document Number” button on the homepage.


Step 3: As soon as you click on the button, the following window will open.


Step 4: Input the document number and select “Download” from the menu. It will be possible to download PDF.

How can CG Bhuiya land records be updated?

Users can monitor updates to land records (Chhattisgarh Bhoomi Abhilekh) on Bhuiyan or CG Bhuiya Portal via the CH Bhuiya Portal. The actions listed above should be followed to check for changes in CG Bhuiya.

Step 1: Open the CG Bhuiyan official website at (Bhuiyan CG NIC in)

Second step: select “Village wise Report”


Step 3: Select the option ‘Record Repair Details’.

Step 4: On the next window, fill the details like district, tehsil, village and from and date. The list will be displayed on the screen.

How can I view the Khashtarhadan report on CG Bhuiya by village and crop?

To access the village-by-village, crop-by-crop, ksheterahchdan report on CG Bhuiya (Bhuiya CG NIC IN), follow the instructions below.

Step 1: Go to the CG Bhuiyan official website at

Step 2: Choose the crop-wise Khashtarhadan report by clicking on “Village-wise report” in the menu.

Step 3: Type information like “District, Tehsil, Village, Season, and Year” into the online box.


Step 4: Crop wise Khashtarhadan report will be displayed online.

How can I find out who is on the list of agricultural account holders?

The list of names of agricultural account holders who have purchased the crops is easily accessible through the CG Bhuiya Portal. Follow the steps listed to obtain the account holder list on CG Bhuiya (Bhuiya CG NIC IN).

Step 1: Log on to the official website of CG Bhuiyan @

Step 2: On the homepage, click on the option ‘Village Report’.

Village wise report

Step 3: Choose “Village account holder who has purchased the produce” from the menu.

The next window will be opened in step four.


Step 5: Fill details like District, Tehsil, Village, Crop Climate (Rabi/Kharif), Crop Year and Land Type. The list will be displayed on the screen.

Step 6: You can also print the list by clicking on the Print button.

How can I find out a property’s market value on the Bhuiya CG Portal?

The CG Bhuiya Portal offers a connection to find out the market worth of the property in addition to providing digital copies of Chhattisgarh land records to the state’s citizens. To find out the property’s market worth using the CG Bhuiya Portal, follow the steps given.

Visit CG Bhuiya’s official website as your first step.

Step 2: Choose the e-Panjian tab from the homepage.

Step 3: The following webpage,, will be redirected to you.

Step 4: Choose either the market value of the property with composition or the “Market value of property protection literature” option.

Step 5: Provide information such as the district, area, ward, land type, mandal, mohalla, area type, sub registrar’s office, ward name, the document, and the property’s minimum market value in the following window.

How do I obtain the Nazul Search Report, Bhuiya CG?

Nazul Search Report can be downloaded online via the CG Bhuiya Portal. To download the Nazul Search Report for CG Bhuiya, follow the instructions.

  1. Step 1: Go to the CG Bhuiyan official website at
  2. Step 2: Choose “Land dispute connected to Nazul Sandharan Khasra” from the menu.
  3. Step 3: You have the option of seeing the report by the plot number or the names of the proprietors. Decide between the two.
  4. Input information such as the district, tehsil, city or village, and the names of the landowners in step 4.
  5. Five: Press the search button. You can view the Nazul Search Report online.

How to use the Bhuiya CG Portal to submit an application to the Revenue Court?

CG The Bhuiya Portal enables users to submit applications electronically to the Revenue Court. Revenue Court is the central registry for all courts from Revenue Circle to Naib Tehsildar.

The government has made it possible for citizens to apply for cases in the Revenue Court online through CG Bhuiya for their convenience. Actually, everything—from applying to CG to receiving the final written order—takes place online. To submit an application before the Revenue Court through CG Bhuiya, follow the directions above.

  • Step 1: Visit CG Bhuiya’s official website (Bhuiya CG NIC IN).
  • Step 2: You’ll be taken to the Department of Revenue’s website at
  • Step 3: Choose “Click to submit application in Revenue Court” from the menu.
  • Step 4: Provide the appropriate signature information for each section.
  • Step 5: Upload the application-related papers that are necessary and that you have on hand in PDF format.
  • Put in applicant/non-applicant information in Step 6
  • Choose the mobile number that will receive the OTP in step 7. You will receive a 4-digit Revenue OTP after clicking the Obtain OTP button.

How can I use the CG Land Records mobile application to check CG Land Records?

Learn how to check CG land records using the CG land records mobile app in a few easy steps.

Install the CG Land Records Mobile App by first downloading it from the Google Play Store.

Step 2: Enter your special ID and password to access the CG Land Records Mobile App.

Step 3: Choose the relevant choice, such as Khasra or Khatauni, depending on the type of property you are looking up in the CG land records.

Step 4: Add any more pertinent location data.

Step 5: Submit the requested information and obtain the necessary CG land record data.

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