Bihar Board 9th Blueprint 2025, Bihar Board is known as full name like Bihar School Examinations Board and also by a short name like BSEB. This board was established for control the system of examination and system of school education in Bihar state both senior secondary and secondary level. This board fully works and controls under the government of this state and its headquarter is situated in the capital of Bihar state at Patna.
Bihar 9th Blueprint 2025, This also described the syllabus of both classes and there are several schools both private and government schools which are affiliated under this board. This board is also organized departmental exams like Teacher training exams and some others. In this session it organized class 9th exams in the month March and all the students which participated in these exams they all are now waiting for the Bihar 9th Blueprint 2025 of 9th class of Bihar Board which will available after some time on web.
BSEB 9th Exam Pattern 2025, In the previous year Bihar class 9th examinations Blueprint 2025 was declared in the month of June 2025 and examination were commenced in the month of March it were started on 11 March and ended on 18 March 2025. There were 9th Lakhs students which were participated in 2025.
All those students who appeared in class 9th exams of Biahr Board they all are now looking for Bihar 9th Blueprint 2025 we assumes that it will this year also appear in the month of June. After declaration of Bihar 9th Blueprint 2025 students can check their Bihar 9th Blueprint 2025 through the official web portal by using their Subjects wise or Name . We provide here some simple steps which will be very helpful in checking Bihar 9th Blueprint 2025 of Bihar Board
How to check Bihar 9th Blueprint 2025 :-
- • Firstly Open the official web Page of this Board at
- • On the home page you see a notification list on the right side
- • Find class Bihar 9th Blueprint 2025 and click on it
- • After click on it enter your Subjects wise and click on search
- • Now you able to check Bihar 9th Blueprint 2025
Click Here to Check Bihar Board 9th Marking Scheme 2025 Click here to open the official website at