Bhulekh Devbhoomi UK Land Records 2025

Uttarakhand’s Bhulekh This is the state of Uttarakhand’s brand-new Bhulekh website. As this website is available in Hindi, receiving your Bholekh won’t be a problem for you. Uttarakhand’s Bhulekh The name of the previous website, Dev Bhoomi, has been changed to UK Bhulekh Uttarakhand on the new website, which goes by the same name.

Bhulekh On Bhulekh Uttarakhand, how do you view your Khasra data (Public RoR)? Visit the official Bhulekh Uttarakhand webpage at Bhulekh UK to view your Bhulekh and Khasra information. This is the state of Uttarakhand’s land records portal, where you can access your land information and Khasra details as well as live tehsil status updates, Swamitva TV, Bhu Naksha, and other information pertaining to land.

Official Website of Uttarakhand Bhulekh

Step 1 – Choose the place –

Choose the district, tehsil, and village where your land is located. By choosing the village’s first letter, you may find a village easily.


Step 2 – Fill the information –

The following seven options are where you can find measles. Depending on the information you have, select the choice. As an illustration, we’ll select this choice from Khasra/Gata.

  1. By Khasra/Gata
  2. by account number
  3. by registry
  4. by mutation date
  5. by vendor
  6. by buyer
  7. by the name of the account holder

After entering the necessary details for the option you’ve selected, click “Search.” A list will then display; from this list, choose the option that corresponds to your case of the measles to view the quote.

Step 3 – View account (Bhulekh) details –

Your account information, namely Bhulekh, will now be visible. You will learn all there is to know about the land and who owns it. whatever knowledge will be useful when working with land,


How to see the land map of Uttarakhand?

The BhuNaksha Uttarakhand portal isn’t operating right now for a variety of reasons. You won’t be able to access the land map online as a result. You can access the online land map as soon as the site reopens.

Bhulekh Uttarakhand: How to see Live Tehsil Status?

You may learn more about all the districts and tehsils in Uttarakhand by selecting Live Tehsil Status. Choose the number next to the district for which you want details on the online or offline tehsil by clicking on it.


The information regarding the district’s Online/Offline Tehsil will be available at the conclusion.


Bhulekh Uttarakhand: How to watch Swamitv TV (Proprietary Village Data Details)?

You can view the population survey progress information after selecting Swamitv Channel. You can find all the district’s information here.

Pick on the Tehsil that you reside in. Finally, information on Swamitav TV ownership and village data will surface.

Bhulekh Uttarakhand (Devbhoomi) 2024
View Account Details (RoR) Online.
Visit Bhulekh Uttarakhand –>
Visit Homepage –>

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