UP TET Exam Pattern 2025, Uttar Pradesh TET Syllabus 2025 Download

The UP Education Service Selection Commission established the UP TET Exam Pattern 2025, Uttar Pradesh TET Syllabus 2025 Download, and UPTET 2025 Pattern. The most significant part of the UPTET 2025 exam is the pattern. Candidates can learn the UPTET 2025 test pattern, curriculum, and scoring methodology from the exam pattern. UPTET has two papers, Paper 1 and 2. Candidates for teaching Classes 1-5 must take Paper 1. Candidates for teaching Classes 6-8 must take Paper 2. Both papers have different subjects and question counts. The updated UP TET Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2025 for Paper 1 and 2 are given.

UPBEB TET Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025 Overview

Exam ParticularsUPTET Exam Details
Exam Conducting AuthorityUttar Pradesh Basic Education Board (UPBEB)
Mode of examOffline
Number of papersTwo- Paper 1 and Paper 2
Number of sectionsFive in Paper 1; Four in Paper 2
Exam subjectsPaper 1: Child Development and Pedagogy, Language-I, Language-II, Mathematics, Environmental StudiesPaper 2: Child Development and Pedagogy, Language-I, Language-II, Mathematics and Science or Social Studies
Nature of questionsObjective-type
Duration of testTwo hours thirty minutes
Language of question paperEnglish and Hindi

The UPTET Syllabus 2025 for Papers 1 and 2 is available on the UP Education Service Selection Commission’s (UPESSC) official website. In order to adequately prepare for the UPTET 2025 exam, candidates need to go over the curriculum carefully. Paper I and Paper II are the two papers that make up the test. Paper-I is intended for individuals who want to teach classes I through V, while Paper-II is for those who want to teach classes VI through VIII. The UPTET Syllabus and UPTET Exam Pattern 2025 are thoroughly described in this post, along with all other pertinent information for applicants.

UP TET Exam Pattern 2025

UPTET Exam Pattern Paper 1 (Primary Level) 

Given below is an overview of the UPTET Exam Pattern paper 2 along with section-wise weightage :

Primary Level Paper – I
SubjectNo. of QuestionsUPTET Total MarksExam Duration
Child Development & Pedagogy3030150 Minutes
Environmental Studies3030
Language – 13030
Language – 23030

UPTET Exam Pattern Paper 2 (Upper Primary Level) 

Given below is an overview of the UPTET Exam Pattern Paper II along with section-wise weightage :

Upper Primary Level Paper – II
SubjectNo. of QuestionsUPTET Total MarksExam Duration
Child Development & Pedagogy3030150 Minutes
Science & Mathematics OR Social Science6060
Language – 13030
Language – 23030

The Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board (UPBEB) administers the state-level Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (UPTET). UPBEB is going to shortly publish UPTET Notification 2025 on its official website. You need to be up to date on the UPTET syllabus PDF and exam pattern in order to pass the test. Candidates can prepare their exam strategy by knowing the weightage of each part with the aid of the UPTET Syllabus & Exam Pattern. Read this post through to the end to learn the most recent UPTET syllabus and exam pattern for 2025.

Uttar Pradesh TET Syllabus 2025

The Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board (UPBEB) administers the state-level Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (UPTET). UPBEB is going to shortly publish UPTET Notification 2025 on its official website. You need to be up to date on the UPTET syllabus PDF and exam pattern in order to pass the test. Candidates can prepare their exam strategy by knowing the weightage of each part with the aid of the UPTET Syllabus & Exam Pattern. Read this post through to the end to learn the most recent UPTET syllabus and exam pattern for 2025.

UPTET Paper 1 Syllabus 2025 

UPTET Paper 1 Syllabus 2025
Child Development and PedagogyMeaning, necessity, and scope of child developmentStages of child development Physical, mental, emotional, and language developmentFactors influencing development Principles of learning Teaching methods Inclusive education and guidance counselling, etc.
Language I (Hindi)Hindi Varnamala (swar, vyanjan) Vowels and consonants Formation of words Sentence construction Sandhi, vilom, samanarthi  Grammar rulesIdioms and proverbs, etc.
Language I (Hindi Pedagogy)Language teaching principles Role of language in education Language difficulties and disorders Language skills Teaching-learning materials Remedial teaching, etc.
Language II (English/Urdu/Sanskrit)English: Unseen passageSentence structureParts of speechTensesArticlesPunctuationActive & passive voiceSingular & plural, gender. Urdu: Unseen passage, literature, grammar. Sanskrit: Unseen passage, nouns, pronouns, verbs, numbers, compositions of poets and writersSanskrit: Unexplained masculine, Unseen passage, Nouns, Unexplained feminine, Unexplained neuter, Postpartum feminine, Post masculine, Postpartum masculine, Introduction to Sanskrit names of household, family, surroundings, animals, birds, household use items, Pronouns, Sandhi – Treaty of simple words and their separation (long treaty), etc.
MathematicsAdditionSubtractionMultiplicationDivision FractionsDecimalsPercentages Profit and lossSimple interest GeometryShapesAnglesTrianglesCircles MeasurementTimeWeightCapacity Data interpretation
Environmental StudiesFamily, Food, Health, and hygiene AccommodationTrees, plants Local professions Water, traffic, and communication  India and our region’s geography Constitution and governance system Environmental studies and education Social responsibility towards the environment

UPTET Paper 2 Syllabus 2025 

UPTET Paper 2 Syllabus 2025 
Child Development and Learning MethodsChild Development: Meaning, necessity and scope of child development, stages of child development, physical development, mental development, emotional development, language development – development of expressive ability, creativity and development of creative ability, etc.Meaning and principles of learning: Meaning of learning, its affecting factors, Influential methods of learning, Rules of learning – The main rules of learning of Thorndike’s and their importance in learning, etc.Teaching and learning methods: Meaning and purpose of teaching, communication, principles of teaching, sources of teaching, teaching methods, new methods of teaching (approach), basic teaching, and basic skills of teaching.Inclusive education- guidance and counseling: Educational inclusion means identity, type, resolution, eg: excluded class, language, religion, caste, region, colour, gender, physical skills (visually impaired, hearing impaired and speech/bone impaired), mental efficiency, etc.
Language I (Hindi)अपठित अनुच्छेदहिंदी वर्णमाला (स्वर, व्यंजन)वर्णों के मेल से मात्रिक तथा अमात्रिक शब्दों की पहचानवाक्य रचनाहिंदी की सभी ध्वनियों के पारस्परिक अंतर की जानकारी विशेष रूप से – ष, स, ब, व, ढ, ड, क्ष, छ, ण तथा न की ध्वनियाँहिंदी भाषा की सभी ध्वनियों, वर्णों अनुस्वार एव चन्द्रबिंदु में अंतरसंयुक्ताक्षर एवं अनुनासिक ध्वनियों के प्रयोग से बने शब्दसभी प्रकार की मात्राएँविराम चिह्नों यथा – अल्प विराम, अर्द्धविराम, पूर्णविराम, प्रश्नवाचक, विस्मयबोधक, चिह्नों का प्रयोगअधिगम और अर्जनभाषा अध्यापन के सिद्धांतसुनने और बोलने की भूमिका: भाषा का कार्य तथा बालक इसे किस प्रकार एक उपकरण के रूप में प्रयोग करते हैमौखिक और लिखित रूप में विचारों के संप्रेषण के लिए किसी भाषा के अधिगम में व्याकरण की भूमिका पर निर्णायक संदर्शएक भिंन कक्षा में भाषा पढाने की चुनौतियाँ भाषा की कठिनाइयाँ त्रुटिया और विकारभाषा कौशलभाषा बोधगम्यता और प्रवीणता का मुल्यांकन करना: बोलना, सुनना, पढना, लिखनाअध्यापन – अधिगम सामग्रियां: पाठ्यपुस्तक, मल्टी मीडिया सामग्री, कक्षा का बहुभाषायी संसाधनउपचारात्मक अध्यापन, etc.
Language II (English)Reading unseen passagesQuestions on comprehension, inference, grammar and verbal abilityPedagogy of language developmentPrinciples of language teachingRole of listening and speakingCritical perspective on the role of grammar in learning a language for communicating ideas verbally and in written form;Challenges of teaching language in a diverse classroomLanguage difficulties, errors and disordersLanguage skillsEvaluating language comprehension and proficiencyTeaching-learning materialsRemedial teaching, etc.
Language II (Urdu)Unseen passageKnowledge of the famous life and poetry of famous tribes and poetsMukhtalifAsnaafAdab such as Maznoom, Afsana Murcia, Masnavi Dastan, etc. Praise to Ma, AmsalMasala of perfect tamarind and affluxInformation about Ism, Jamir, Sifat, Mutzadalfaz, Wahid, Mojkkar, Moannas et cetera.Saints (Tasbeeh and Istaara, Talmih, Maraatunzir), etcIdioms, meeting JurbalAmsalMukhtalifSamajMusayal like atmosphere of AloodgiNabrabari, TalimBaraa’mn, Adame, TagaziaTo understand the social and Khaliq Akbar present in the beliefs, stories, Hikayatas, and memoirs, etc.
Language II (Sanskrit)NounsUnexplained feminineUnexplained neuterPostpartum femininePost masculinePostpartum masculinePostpartum feminineIntroduction to Sanskrit names of household, family, surroundings, animals, birds, household use itemsPronounsVerbUse of Sanskrit words for major body partsIncessantSandhi – Treaty of simple words and their separation (long treaty)Numbers – Knowledge of numbers in SanskritGender, vowel, vowel type, substitution, type of consonant, anusvara, and nasal consonantCompositions of poets and writers, etc.
MathematicsNumber systemAlgebraGeometryMensurationData handling, etc.
ScienceFoodMaterialsThe world of the livingNatural resourcesHow things workNatural phenomena, etc.
Social Studies and OthersOur bodyMy familyWork & playPlants and animalsOur foodAirCivicsHorticulture and fruit conservationSocial and political scienceTeaching related issuesHome SciencePedagogical issues
HistorySources of knowing the historyStone Culture, Copper Stone Culture, Vedic CultureIndia of the sixth century B.CThe early States of IndiaEstablishment of Mauryan Empire in IndiaNon-Mauryan India, Gupta period, Rajput India, Punyabhuti dynasty, states of South IndiaThe arrival of Islam in IndiaEstablishment, expansion, disintegration of Delhi SultanateMughal Empire, Culture, FallThe arrival of European powers in India and the establishment of the English stateExpansion of Company State in IndiaRenaissance in India, Rise of Nationalism in IndiaIndependence movement, independence, the partition of IndiaChallenges of Independent India, etc.
GeographyEarth in the Solar System, Globe – Determination of locations on Earth, Earth’s movements.Mapping, Four Circles of Earth, Structure – Earth’s Structure, Major Structure of EarthIndia in the world, India’s physical form, soil, vegetation and wildlife, India’s climate, India’s economic resources, traffic, trade, and communication.Uttar Pradesh – Location in India, Political Department, Climate, Soil, Vegetable and Wildlife Agriculture, Mineral Industry – Business Population and UrbanizationSurface forms, changing factors. (Internal and external factors)Atmosphere, hydrosphereMajor natural regions and life of the worldMineral Resources, IndustriesDisaster and Disaster Management
Environmental StudiesEnvironment, natural resources, and their utilityNatural balanceUse of resourcesImpact of population growth on the environment, environmental pollutionWaste Management, Disasters, Environmentalist, Award in the field of Environment, Environment Day, Environmental Calendar