DVC Junior Engineer Recruitment 2025, Apply Mine Surveyor Post
The Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) is now accepting online applications from qualified people for the jobs of Junior Engineer and Mine Surveyor. The company has put out a total of 64 job openings. Those who are qualified and want to apply can do so through the official website. Before registering for the DVC Junior Engineer Recruitment 2025 job, candidates must first register. Once they have done that, they can log in and put their information. The DVC Junior Engineer Notification and Apply Online Link has already been changed and is now at the end of this post. For the Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) Junior Engineer and Mine Surveyor Posts, people who are qualified and interested can apply through the website.
The Official Notification and Apply Online Link for the DVC Junior Engineer Recruitment 2025 can be found below. It has all the information that candidates need to know. Below, you can find out more about the selection process, the age limit, the education requirements, the fees, and how to get notified.